Saturday, April 6, 2013


Anna and I at Crazy Head Springs
I was incredibly blessed to have my parents and youngest sister Anna visit me in Ashland for Easter. After eight looooong months I finally got to see them in person and I was so happy to see them it brought me to tears. Not seeing my family for such a long time has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I could not have asked for a better way to celebrate Easter than to rejoice in Christ’s resurrection with my family. I loved sharing my home and my life at Saint Labre with them. In addition to it being a blessing to have my family with me it was a blessing to reflect on all the people who have made my experience in Ashland and Saint Labre such a wonderful one. Every time I introduced my parents to someone at the school or in the community I was reminded of how they have welcomed me and made an impact on my life here. It was a positive experience that made me feel confident in rejoicing in my decision to stay in Ashland another year. I have officially committed to spending another year in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps NorthWest and serving at the Saint Labre Dormitory in Ashland. It was a decision that took a lot of discernment and prayer, but I believe that the Creator has called me to be here. This year has brought me so much happiness and I want to spend another year discerning the root of that happiness. I also can’t imagine leaving all the people that I have come to love here. This place has been a great source of healing for me and I want to allow the Great Spirit to continue to move and work in me. I am very excited about all the possibilities another year as a Jesuit Volunteer at Saint Labre holds, and hope that it will continue to impact and inspire me.

Crazy Head Springs