Monday, July 1, 2013

The End of Year One

My first year of service in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps NorthWest has come to an end. My year in Ashland has been full of both blessings and challenges. I have loved becoming part of a small community in rural Montana. I love that they know who I am at the post office, that people stop by our house to share their garden vegetables, that when I call the bank they don’t have to ask to spell my name. The Northern Cheyeene and Crow people have taught me so much this year. I have felt the Creator move my spirit to fall in love with this place, this sacred land. The Great Spirit has let me experience great healing here even in the midst of much sorrow and struggle. It is a place where it is healthy to grieve. The reservations here and their people have seen so much suffering and pain that healing is an essential part of life. I no longer feel that I have to hide my sorrow or suffering because my community here understands those feelings in a way the rest of the world I have encountered does not. There is a space for healing and a grace that comes from the sacred land and sacred people here. I care for my students so much that I cannot imagine leaving them after only one year. I feel blessed that I will be able to stay with them for another year with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps NorthWest. Please continue to pray for me as I serve the Northern Cheyeene and Crow students at Saint Labre Catholic Indian School.

I will be home in South Bend, IN for the next couple weeks relaxing a little bit before by second year of service begins in August!